Wednesday, April 30, 2014

14 Reasons You Should Start Eating Cucumber

Cucumbers are number four most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be one of the best foods for your overall health, often referred to as a super food. Pick a handful of firm, dark green cucumbers and drop them into your shopping cart. Congratulations! You have just bought yourself stuff full of good health.

11.      Cucumber rehydrates body
If you are too busy to drink enough water, eat the cool cucumber, which is 90 percent water. It will cheerfully compensate your water lost.
22.      Cucumber fights heat inside and out
Eating cucumber will get your body relief from heartburn. Apply cucumber on your skin and you will get relief from sunburn.
33.      Cucumber eliminates toxins
All that water in cucumber acts as a virtual broom, sweeping waste products out of your body. With regular eating, cucumber is known to dissolve kidney stones.
44.      Cucumber replenishes daily vitamins
Cucumbers have most of the vitamins the body needs in a single day. A B and C, which boost your immune system keep you radiant and give you energy. Make it more powerful by juicing cucumber with spinach and carrot. Don’t forget to leave the skin on because it contains a good amount of vitamin C, about 12 percent of the daily recommended allowance.
55.      Cucumber supplies skin friendly minerals
Cucumber is high in potassium, magnesium and silicon. That is why spas abound cucumber based treatments.
66.      Cucumber aids in digestion and weight loss
Due to its high water and low calorie content, cucumber is an ideal source for people who are looking for weight loss. Use cucumbers in your soups and salads. If it is not your favorite snack you can crunchy cucumber sticks with creamy low fat yogurt dip. Chewing cucumber gives your jaws a good workout and the fiber in it is great for digestion. Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as an aid for chronic constipation.
77.      Cucumber revives the eyes
Placing a chilled slice of cucumber over puffy eyes is a clichéd beauty visual but it really can help reduce under-eye bags and puffiness due to its anti inflammatory properties.
88.      Cucumber fights cancers
Cucumber is known to contain secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol (google search). The three lignans have a strong connection with reduced risk of several cancer types, including ovarian, breast, prostate and uterine cancer.
99.      Cucumber cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and controls blood pressure
Cucumber juice contains a hormone which is needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin which is widely spread to be beneficial to diabetic patients. Researchers have found that a compound called sterols in cucumbers can help decrease levels of cholesterol. Cucumbers contain a lot of fiber, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients work effectively for regulating blood pressure. That is why cucumber is good for treating both high blood pressure and low blood pressure.
110.  Cucumber refreshes the mouth
Cucumber juice heals and refreshes diseased gums. Get a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for a half minute, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing unpleasant breath.
111.  Cucumber smoothes hair and nails
The wonder mineral Silica in cucumber makes your hair and nails shinier and stronger. The sulfur and silica in cucumbers help to stimulate your hair growth.
112.   Cucumber promotes joint health, relieves arthritis and gout pain
As cucumber is an excellent source of silica it promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissues. When mixed with carrot juice, cucumber can relieve gout and arthritis pain by lowering levels of the uric acid.
113.   Cucumber cures hangover
To avoid a morning headache or hangover you can eat a few cucumber slices before going to sleep. Cucumbers contain enough B vitamins, sugar and electrolytes to replenish many essential nutrients and reducing the severity of both hangover and headache.
114.  Cucumber keeps kidneys in shape
Cucumber lowers uric acid levels in your body and though keeping the kidneys healthy.

Cucumber Juice
 ~ ~ Easy Breezy Cucumber Cooler Recipe
1 cucumber-  do not peel
4 carrots - do not peel
1 stalk celery
1 apple
1/2 lemon or whole lime , peeled

Put all ingredients through the juicer, then pour over ice.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

OsteMatrix untuk Kesihatan Tulang

Note: OsteMatrix terbukti secara klinikal dapat menyediakan nutrisi penting serta unik dan melebihi fungsi kalsium dalam membina & mengekalkan tulang dan gigi. Serta membantu mengurangkan risiko osteoporosis.

Alfalfa Complex - Shaklee Signature supplement


Juice Recipes for Healthy Skin

Healthy glowing skin is a matter of both what you put on your skin as well as what you put into your body. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are an excellent source of instant nutrition for your cells, including skin cells. The following juice recipes help to hydrate your skin, contain all the great vitamins and nutrients your skin needs and they taste great, too!

Bright Skin Juice

1 carrot
1 green apple
1 cup cantaloupe
1 orange

Green Hydrating Juice

4 ribs of celery
1 cucumber
1 green apple
1 handful spinach
1/2 lemon, peeled

Monday, April 28, 2014

Zink - apa dia Zink dan kenapa dia penting untuk kita.

Zink: Penting untuk Kesihatan Manusia

Zink merupakan elemen surih yang penting untuk manusia , haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Ia adalah penting untuk pelbagai fungsi biologi dan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam lebih daripada 300 enzim dalam tubuh manusia. Tubuh dewasa mengandungi kira-kira 2-3 gram zink. Zink yang terdapat dalam semua bahagian badan ianya di dalam organ-organ , tisu, tulang, cecair dan sel-sel. Otot dan tulang terdapat kebanyakan daripada zink badan ( 90%). Kepekatan tinggi terutamanya zink dalam kelenjar prostat dan air mani.

Zink - penting untuk pertumbuhan dan pembahagian sel
Zink adalah penting terutamanya semasa mengandung, untuk janin yang semakin meningkat yang sel-sel membahagi dengan cepat . Zink juga membantu untuk mengelakkan kecacatan sejak lahir dan penghantaran pra-panjang. Zink adalah penting dalam mengaktifkan pertumbuhan - ketinggian, berat dan perkembangan tulang - pada bayi, kanak-kanak dan remaja.

Zink - penting untuk kesuburan
Zink memainkan peranan yang penting dalam kesuburan. Bagi lelaki , zink melindungi kelenjar prostat daripada jangkitan ( Prostat ) dan akhirnya daripada pembesaran ( hipertropi prostatik ). Zink membantu mengekalkan jumlah sperma dan mobiliti dan tahap normal testosteron serum.

Bagi wanita , zink boleh membantu merawat masalah haid dan mengurangkan gejala-gejala yang dikaitkan dengan sindrom prahaid ( PMS).

Zink - penting untuk sistem imun

Antara semua vitamin dan mineral, zink menunjukkan kesan kuat pada sistem imun semua - penting. Zink memainkan peranan yang unik dalam T- sel. Tahap zink rendah membawa kepada dikurangkan dan lemah T- sel yang tidak dapat mengenali dan melawan jangkitan tertentu . Peningkatan tahap zink telah terbukti berkesan dalam memerangi radang paru-paru dan cirit-birit dan jangkitan lain. Zink juga dapat mengurangkan tempoh dan tahap selesema biasa .

Zink - penting untuk rasa , bau dan selera makan
Zink mengaktifkan kawasan otak yang menerima dan memproses maklumat dari rasa dan bau sensor. Tahap zink dalam plasma dan kesan zink pada lain-lain nutrien , seperti tembaga dan mangan , selera makan pengaruh dan citarasa . Zink juga digunakan dalam rawatan anoreksia.

Zink - penting untuk kulit , rambut dan kuku
Zink mempercepatkan pembaharuan sel-sel kulit. Krim zink digunakan untuk bayi untuk melegakan ruam lampin dan untuk menyembuhkan luka dan kecederaan. Zink juga telah terbukti berkesan dalam merawat jerawat , masalah yang memberi kesan terutamanya remaja, dan zink telah dilaporkan mempunyai kesan positif ke atas psoriasis dan neuro dermitis .

Zink juga digunakan sebagai agen anti -radang dan boleh membantu melegakan tisu kulit, terutamanya dalam kes-kes ivy racun , selaran matahari , lepuh dan penyakit gusi tertentu.

Zink adalah penting untuk rambut yang sihat. Tahap zink yang tidak mencukupi boleh menyebabkan kehilangan rambut, rambut yang kelihatan nipis dan membosankan serta boleh membuatkan rambut putih
 awal. Terdapat juga beberapa syampu yang mengandungi zink untuk membantu mencegah kelemumur.

Zink - penting untuk penglihatan
Kepekatan tinggi zink terdapat dalam retina. Dengan usia kemerosotan retina zink yang seolah-olah memainkan peranan dalam pembangunan yang berkaitan dengan usia degenerasi makula (AMD ), yang membawa kepada kehilangan separa atau lengkap penglihatan. Zink juga boleh melindungi dari rabun malam dan mencegah perkembangan katarak .

Siapa yang memerlukan zink ?
Setiap orang memerlukan zink. Kanak-kanak memerlukan zink untuk membesar, orang dewasa memerlukan zink untuk kesihatan.  Bayi untuk membesar, kanak-kanak dan remaja , wanita hamil dan ibu-ibu menyusu , atlet , vegetarian dan orang tua sering memerlukan lebih zink.

Daripada mana kita mendapatkan zink ?
Kita mendapat zink terutamanya daripada makanan kita. Sumber-sumber utama zink adalah (daging merah) daging lembu, ayam , ikan dan makanan laut, bijirin dan produk tenusu. Zink banyak didapati daripada daging. Bioavailabiliti makanan berasaskan tumbuhan adalah lebih rendah kerana serat dan asid phytic yang menghalang penyerapan zink.

Diet yang seimbang adalah cara terbaik untuk menyediakan badan anda dengan zink. Satu tambahan zink atau suplemen multi-vitamin/multi-mineral harian boleh diambil sekiranya pengambilan pemakanan anda tidak mencukupi. *

Berapa banyak zink yang kita perlukan?
Badan kita kerap memerlukan zink.
Disyorkan pengambilan harian adalah:
Bayi 5 mg
Kanak-kanak 10 mg
Wanita 12 mg
Wanita Hamil 15 mg
Menyusu Wanita 16 mg
Lelaki 15 mg
Wanita hamil dan ibu-ibu menyusu memerlukan lebih banyak zink untuk memastikan pembangunan optimum janin dan bayi yang baru lahir.

Kehidupan harian yang sibuk, membuatkan kita mahu sesuatu yang mudah di dapati yang boleh menjimatkan masa kita. Disini saya memperkenalkan Shaklee Zinc Complex yang mampu membekalkan keperluan zinc setiap hari.


Friday, April 25, 2014

salad for daily lunch

  1. In a large bowl, combine the lime juice, cilantro, scallion, hoisin sauce, oil, garlic, and white pepper. Whisk to mix. Set aside.
  2. In a large nonstick skillet over medium heat, warm 1 tablespoon of the reserved mixture. Add the shrimp. Cook, tossing, for 2 to 3 minutes, or until the shrimp are opaque. Pour the skillet contents into the reserved mixture. Add the bell pepper. Cover and refrigerate, tossing occasionally, for 30 minutes. Place two serving dishes in the refrigerator, if desired.
  3. Line each chilled plate with the lettuce leaves. Spoon the shrimp and some of the marinade onto the lettuce.
Nutritional Facts per serving
FAT 3.4 G

we should eat more salad

  1. In a large bowl, combine the chickpeas, onion, cucumber, pepper, tomatoes, parsley, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and salt. Toss to mix. Allow to stand at room temperature for 10 minutes for flavors to blend.
Nutritional Facts per serving
FAT 1.8 G

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Banana rich with Potassium

Bananas are good for bowel regularity and satiety.
Adding a banana to your daily diet has an array of benefits in your body. Bananas help you reach your weight-loss goals, keep your bowels healthy, provide nutrients that regulate heart rhythm and have vitamin compounds for eye health. Keep a bunch of bananas on your desk at work and replenish your stock each week. You'll be more likely to reach for a healthy banana -- instead of heading to the vending machine -- if you have a bunch sitting in front of you.

Weight Loss

Finding foods to fit into your weight-loss diet can be challenging, but bananas make a perfect fit. Bananas are naturally sweet and can help curb your sweet tooth if you get that afternoon sugar craving. A 6-inch banana has a minimal 90 calories, about one-fourth of the calories you would get from a chocolate candy bar. Additionally, about half of the fiber content in bananas is soluble. When soluble fiber reaches your digestive tract, it absorbs water and slows digestion. Food is forced to sit in your stomach for a while, making you feel full. If you have a banana before lunch, you'll be less likely to overeat when your food comes to the table.


Enjoying a banana each day aids in keeping you regular. One 6-inch banana has more than 2.5 grams of total fiber, about half of which are insoluble. As insoluble fiber travels through your digestive tract, it sweeps up waste and helps push it out. You'll have more regular bowel movements that are soft and easy to pass. Keep your bowels healthy by getting 14 grams of fiber in your diet for every 1,000 calories you consume, reports Colorado State University Extension. For example, if you tend to stick to an 1,800-calorie diet, you need about 25 grams of total fiber. You get nearly 10 percent of your daily fiber needs -- for this number of calories -- from one 6-inch banana.

Normal Heart Function

Having a banana at breakfast every day adds a nutrient to your body to support normal heart function. Bananas are rich in a mineral electrolyte called potassium. When potassium enters your body, it absorbs directly into your bloodstream through intestinal walls. Potassium travels around to cells all over your body and dissolves in fluid inside of cells. It travels across cell membranes if needed to keep fluid balanced in and around cells. This process keeps electricity flowing throughout your system, which is required to make your heart beat. In cases of severe potassium deficiency, your heart rhythm may become irregular, which can be deadly. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, you need 4,700 milligrams of potassium on a daily basis. Bananas provide more than 360 milligrams per 6-inch piece of fruit.

Eye Health

Adding a banana to your diet also helps keep your eyes healthy. Bananas have a small amount of vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that is vital for protecting your eyes and normal vision. The term "vitamin A" refers to a series of compounds, including beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. These compounds preserve the membranes that surround your eyes and are a component of one of the proteins that brings light into your cornea. Adequate daily vitamin A intake also lessens your risk of night blindness and is essential for everyday vision. Women require 700 micrograms of daily vitamin A, and men need 900 micrograms, explains the Office of Dietary Supplements. One 6-inch banana has nearly 10 micrograms of vitamin A. Bananas also contain alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, which convert to vitamin A to further keep your eyes healthy.